Thursday, March 4, 2010

uh oh


Please tell me this is liberal mumbo jumbo.


  1. conspiracy theory bullshit. the price of perishable goods, like the coconut that coconut was talking about is due to food price inflation not market wide.

    this shit has been going on for years. There is an entire trading market that trades foreign exchange. Currencies are only one facet of the economy.

    you are fine we have bigger shit to worry about than our money not working anymore.

    PS Head doesn't know EVERYTHING, he is just not as dumb as the rest of us.

  2. Ron Paul is not a conspiracy theorist. He is the greatest American we have. What he says is gospel to me. But we're wasting pixels. Head?

  3. nah skips he is way off.

    worry about healthcare, the war, terrorism, pollution, economy, housing, education, national deficit, etc. the dollar may be struggling but not a global turn against the dollar.

    if you want to be really careful just buy a few bricks of gold. I am sure Subway will accept a few karats if they refuse your dollars.

  4. worry about healthcare(dollar-related), the war(dollar-related), terrorism, pollution, economy(dollar-related), housing, education, national deficit(dollar-related), etc. the dollar may be struggling but not a global turn against the dollar.

    I feel much better. Thanks, BD2.

  5. Full Disclosure: I only watched the first couple minutes of this. But a couple thoughts:

    (1) I'll worry about inflation when I can stop worrying about deflation. This is what Paul Volcker meant when he said "Of course we should be worried about the deficit. There will be a time to deal with that." Right now our economy is performing far, far worse than it should be so priority #1 should be to restore growth. Then we can worry about the deficit.
    (2) I'm not sure how you can potentially call something that quotes Ron Paul and a guy from Freedom Works in the first couple minutes and consider it possible liberal mumbo jumbo. Conservatives have been complaining about the dollar for a while, but it doesn't mean much.
    I'll have more if I watch any more of the video, but I probably won't. BTW, gold is about the worst investment on the planet right now in my mind.

  6. Liberal was a horrible word to use in that context, main stream media has made controversial documentaries synonymous with liberal and warped my fragile little mind.

    Restore growth? Can we start by packing up and shipping WalMart the fuck out of our country. American industry. Where the fuck is it?

  7. For more on this, Paul Krugman made a really good post over the weekend explaining the problems - and the non-problems - of government debt.

  8. Oh, you're reading about this stuff on the weekend? All I did was get awesome and root for MD/DC sports. This Paul Krugman character is touching all our bases. I wonder if he likes sports, hot chicks and getting awesome. Head, you want to ask "Krugs" if he wants to start posting on the Den instead of that silly NY Times blog? We can pay him in Dale's Pale Ale and various meats. This offer is non-negotiable.

  9. "Oh, you're reading about this stuff on the weekend?"

    Actually, I use Google Reader, which collects all of the stuff I don't read over the weekend and gives it to me in a list so I have something to do while I'm not working on Monday morning.

    P.S. I played basketball for the first time in many moons over the weekend. Man I fucking love good weather.
