Friday, February 19, 2010

Kicking it 80's now.

If yall ninjas have not seen this whole movie, watch it. Rowdy Roddy Pipper shoots aliens, then fights this guy, who I never know his name, but always plays the crazy black guy in movies. This is the penultimate (yes I used that word right) moment in this movie, the denouement you could say. Watch this shit.

Also, a longer term goal of mine is to build a truck like this for you old-school 1980s mother fuckers out there-

Wow, screwed that placement up. Either way, its the fall guy truck. Off to drink more MHL's . Holla.

1 comment:

  1. That truck is awesome. please get one immediately so we can run over some cornfields. How many of those did they ruin on that intro to the show?

    that black dude was in Dead Presidents and that fight scene is basically a pro wresting fight on a film set instead of a ring.

    now...."either put on these glasses or start eatin' that trashcan."
