Sunday, November 8, 2009

OMG Giants SUCK!! LOL!

LOL Giants Lost! Eli Manning = FAG

Ravens lost 2! Joe Flacco sux ballz!


  1. Beat you guys to it. Now we can go back to talking about Mancation II.

  2. hahaha good call. I would be stupid to talk shit because the Redskins suck more.

  3. SS how about an itenirary post? Need to know where to be and when i.e.

    7am arrive at SS compound sausages and bloody mary's

    10AM arrive at CP parking lot get awesome

    1pm enter stadium get awesome

    3:30pm terps win

    etc. etc.

  4. I'm coming in Friday afternoon, but need to take care of some stuff with my family, and then we're going to dinner. So I'll probably head over to ScarShoulders' place at 10 or 11 Friday night.

  5. There was football yesterday? I just awoke on a park bench from a Andre Agassi-esque meth binge. Football is a merciless and cold blooded whore. Can we aim to be in the Byrd Stadium lot by sunrise? Too ambitious?

  6. We're off this thread and on to the next one on to the next one on to the next one on to the next one on to the next one on to the next one....
