Friday, November 6, 2009

Maryland Chooses the Wrong Uniforms for VT Game

As ScarShoulders mentioned previously, Maryland has chosen to wear camouflage uniforms for the Virginia Tech game next weekend. And now a VT alumnus has killed a bunch of soldiers. Good fucking work Debbie Yow. Can a guy be blamed for confusing camo-wearing Maryland players with real soldiers? You mess with a bull, you get the horns - it's not like it was a secret that we were a bunch of psychos...

More seriously, my nominees for GCOTD are the reporters, such as Wade Goodwyn of NPR, who have gone out of their way to mention that the Fort Hood shooter was a VT grad even though he graduated in 1995 and got a doctorate since then. Just crazy lame.


  1. Well actually I think the uniforms are to benifit the Wounded Warrior Fund... So thanks to VT there are a bunch more Wounded Warriors that need benefits. Makes the uniforms all the more fitting. VT terrorist assholes.

  2. yeah like a breeding ground for wack jobs...

    Must be those awful maroon and orange colors spattered everywhere.

  3. Whats the V in VT stand for? Vietcong?

  4. OMG. If God doesn't love VT then why do the leafs turn orange and maroon in the fall??? What does MD's red colrr stadn for? I'll tell you: the blood of soldiers and aborted babies soulless heathne!! We kill you 11/14!


  5. Holy fuck, Heads gone Tico. Shit fuck shit balls. With his knowledge of math and physics and Ticos insanity we could be facing a Chernobyl situation...

  6. No Charnoble - this be more like Daigo Fukuryƫ Maru. You die soon soldier/players! FSU too, fuckers!

  7. Tico don't know no random nuclear fallout history. Poser.

  8. "like Daigo Fukuryƫ Maru."

    what a nerd.

  9. Ha Ha I saw some kind of display about it when we were in Japan. Google "hydrogen bomb boat" and it pops right up!

    I guess a reference to Cortez & the Aztecs might have been more apt.

  10. Tico don't make no references. Have you seen his fucking posts? It's all "FUCK BITCHES!!! mamacita and a jackdaniels sandwich until greivis vasquez squeals like a little piggy! meow vasquez, meow!!!"

  11. I didn't want to squash the Jackal OTA momentum, but check out my vote for text Shoulders, I saw the email yesterday about three extras, but the last I heard they were highly coveted. Now getting jackals to hit this game up is like giving away studio tickets to 'Last Call with Carson Daly'. Put me down for one, ninja!

  12. My bad on the hyperlink, homeys. What I meant to say was, check out my vote for Jackal of the Day

  13. That is a really crazy story. That's like that dude from NC who was declared dead at the scene of a traffic accident only to have the coroner find out he was alive.

  14. Everyone's wondering, "what's the jackalest part of that story, BMR?" I'll tell you, my friends, it's this:
    'Goncalves had spent the night at a truck stop talking with friends over drinks of a sugarcane liquor known as cachaca, his niece Rosa Sampaio told the O Globo newspaper. He did not get word about his own funeral until it was already happening Monday morning.'

    Main man was jackalin' it up, getting awesome with truckers. Hungover at your own funeral?!!? 'Round these parts, I believe that's called JAF.
