Wednesday, November 11, 2009

GCOTD: Tim Ryan

I have an hour long commute most days and can only tolerate so much news, ESPN and music stations so I occasionally tune into the NFL network. This shithead takes over the entire afternoon with a radio show of lame ass truck drivers calling in about there team which is never the local team where they live.


"We have Rick from San Diego on the line, Ricky, welcome to Movin' the Chains, what brings you to the show today."

"Pat and Timmy how are ya. My name is Rick, 2nd time caller, I am callin' bout my Pittsburg Steelers. Been a fan for 3 years, born and raised in Sacramento California..."

"Rick, you guys have got to do a better job in your secondary, your pass rush has been inconsistent..."

What?!?! Rick from San Diego is on the team?? What the fuck are you talking about??!

Also, I can't tell you how many times this idiot says the following:

"bangin' it out on a Wednesday"
"generating yardage"
"shed blockers"

I thought he was a big black dude from the sound of his voice and his style of commentary, but I should have known he is just a fat white dude trying to sound cool. But that is not the real problem with this douche.

The real problem is how he will never say anything negative about anyone that has actually appeared on the show before. The Carolina Panthers suck. Everyone knows it but because he and "Foxy' are buddies he gives them an out almost every time. They are scared to lose the three listeners and are scared to say something negative so they have so they never actually say anything. They just talk about BS O-line terminology that unless you played O-line you could give a fuck about hand positions or any of that shit.

Another annoyance is his incessant use of brevs for people's names such as:

John Fox - Foxy
Andre Carter - Dre
AP - Andrian Peterson
Pat Kirwin - Patty

Tim sir suck ass.


  1. I guess it's just me...fuck this guy

  2. I've never even heard of this dude (or at least paid enough attention to notice him).
