Tuesday, October 27, 2009

JOTD: Armored Hokie Guy

The Mrs. and I were riding our bikes through the VT campus on Sunday when an 11-foot armored Hokie crossed the road in front of us. Seriously:

So it turns out that it's just a creative dude on stilts. Still, pretty awesome and some serious Hokie fandom. And, I have to say somewhat intimidating - somewhere a long time ago, I think our ancestors decided that standing near people twice their size was not good idea. (Of course, if he tried anything, I could have used the moves that Ball Deep's nerds taught me.)

JOTD Honorable Mention: Ball DEEP. I hear you're in for the 14th. Awesome. This is going to be a fucking good time.


  1. Wouldn't your ancestors just determine if inside his robot exoskeleton there was in fact a little boy and then have NAMBLA love with said little boy? I'm pretty sure that's how YOUR ancestors rolled...

  2. Whoa Whoa Whoa. Greeks may have been all about the NAMBLA love, but we also invented a lot of shit...

  3. Yeah like gay bath houses and butt sex with other dudes...

  4. ...and the democracy that 'Merica was founded on! You didn't click the link from my previous comment did you? Dick...

  5. Of course not. I'm at work i can't be clicking on your gay greek porn...

  6. ...so at home you can click on gay, Greek porn? You have to stop adopting Eli Manning's off-field training regiment. You've seen how it's failed him the past two weeks. And, Head, the only way that wanna-be transformer(nothing gayer than that after Michael Bay completely raped the entire franchise) could be jackal is if he took his stilting into enemy territory. Say, the CP campus. If you happenstance upon him again, issue that challenge. Tell him jackaldom is on the line. Do it.

  7. Why the fuck will he make show up at CP campus? To watch drunkards talk about how Vazquez loves dicks? Robot Hokie is not needed to ass kick the terps, fuck last year we didn't even need a QB

  8. Tico's incomprehensible statement is correct. We don't need him. HOWEVER, I am certainly hoping he will be there, and I will most definitely tell him to do so if I should happen upon him again. I may even go downtown on Saturday night looking for him - seems like a choice costume for Halloween, right?

  9. "'creative dude' a.k.a. gay clone" This from a hippie who draws cartoons and majored in poetry or whatever...

    By the way, I imagine you would have been pretty fucking excited to see a huge greyhound wandering around. Douche.

  10. P.S. SS is all about gay porn. There was this one time that I was just trying to play basketball and then next thing I know he's checking out my dick...

  11. Actually, the typical mascot and a live greyhound pretty much took care of my mascot fix

  12. BumMeR. Mascots are kind of a weird concept, to be honest, (though perhaps not so much as the team nicknames themselves) but I still enjoy them from time to time...

  13. ...but I suppose if I were a gigantic loser that never got laid and I needed a distraction from all the Asian exchange students that were trying to gat my ass, I'd put on stilts and school themed "robot" gear too

  14. That made me laugh. Can't fault a guy for making the best of a bad situation...

    In other news, and if my immediate responses to all of your comments aren't enough indication, man do I fucking hate work today.

  15. You "work" from home. Keep fucking that chicken asshole.

  16. yeah, way to let your wife be the "bread winner", Mr. Mom.

  17. For what it's worth, I still make more than she does. I won't be Mr. Mom for at least another 22 months. (Fuck!!)

  18. Even if it was it wouldn't matter - the baby is not the constraint, the dollars are.
