Thursday, July 9, 2009


Do you guys think the White House is accepting applications for interns? Way to keep it jackal, Barack.
Think DC's Metro is fucked up? I can tell you that wreck made my commute to work a whole lot shittier. Fuck this guy and fuck the Red Line for sodomizing my mornings and nights.


  1. Greatest shot I have seen since the shoe incident with Bush.

  2. The dude next to him is even funnier than he is. "Yes Mr President, I think the right play here is to look at that girls ass, I think I'll join you..."

  3. I don't know who he is but he's wingman as fuck.

  4. It's Sarkozy. And it appears that Obama actually wasn't checking out that girl after all. Bummer.

  5. Head Head Head. So young and so naive. Obama was just pulling a veteran fucking move. You don't just stand there and get your creep stare on like Sarkozy did, you disguise your creep with some fake chivalry. Dudes showing the whole world why his and America's pimp hand is so fucking strong. It's a shame the world is so full of gay clones that nobody is recognizing a hall of fame move for what it is...
